Silver Pacu

First, when you are fishing in the Jungle, keep your eyes and ears open. You will probably come across some interesting animals and birds. We saw a black panther and this swimming Tapir which you can see here:

I also posted a short video of him swimming, diving and then jumping out of the water here:

Second, this is a small, but somewhat unusual small Silver Pacu (Piaractus bracyhpomus). It was one of the 8 species I had hoped to catch on my trip to Kendjam.

Even though he wasn’t my biggest fish of the trip, he was the first of the trip off the bucket list so you can see my smile. Also he is so unique looking.

It was somewhat unusual in that he went after this streamer as they normally feed on algae, fruit, and nuts. It was a tender bite, and I am glad I felt him.

Small, fun and another interesting species.

His color was amazing. Really silver and a hard fish to see in the river. Fortunately, the light was right and the river low so easier to see than normal.

Nice little guy. Size of my hand – so maybe 8-10 inches. Good size for the species.

Nice to catch him, say hello and release him safely. 😊


Wolffish (Hoplias aimara)


62 CM Peacock Bass