Jungle Pacu

30 Pound Pacu : Pluma Lodge, Bolivia

Where: Pluma Lodge, which sits in a remote tribal area in Bolivia. To get there, you fly into Manaus and then take a two-hour small plane flight into the tribal region and land on a grass airstrip.

The tribal lands are owned by the Tsimane people. They are an indigenous people who primarily live on subsistence agriculture in tribes of 30-40 families.

Conservation is a crucial component of fishing in this area to preserve the fragile area which is very rich in biodiversity of plants and animals.

The Pluma River is a crystal-clear river running parallel to the Mosetenes Mountain Range and merges with two other great fishing rivers nearby. It is a very rugged river in parts requiring multiple river and jungle crossings.


Rod/Reel: 9 weight set up with imitation nut fly  


Fish: Pacu – related to the Piranha but they mainly feed on plants and their teeth are straighter and flatter. Human like teeth.


Stripers in Boston, MA


NOLA Day Number Two